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Kuala Lumpur – Reality in its Double Bind
December 8, 2017 @ 8:00 pmDecember 10, 2017 @ 5:45 pm UTC+8

Tittle|Reality in its Double Bind: Emotional Signifiers in the Undercurrents of History
Organizer| The Cube Project Space, Taiwan
Venue|Ilham Gallery, Rumah Attap Library & Collective, Lostgens’ Contemporary Art Space
Convener| Hsu Fang-Tze
TheCube Project Space is honoured to present the symposium Reality in its Double Bind: Emotional Signifiers in the Undercurrents of History in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Curated by Hsu Fang-Tze, this three-day symposium marks the second phase of the curatorial project Towards Mysterious Realities, launched in Taipei, 2016.
Reality in its Double Bind perpetuates the kernel issue addressed by the 2016 exhibition Towards Mysterious Realities in Taipei——rethinking the relations among Asian countries and that between Asia and the world by reexamining the Cold-War experiences and its legacies. Gathering scholars, artists and curators from Malaysia, Singapore, and Taiwan, the symposium revolves around the unseen interconnectivity between memories of recent past driven by various socio-political events in the postwar Asia. With an emphasis on reframing our shared predicaments in contemporary realities of the social, historical, and cultural undercurrents, the discussions attempt to broaden the horizon of certain pre-defined categorizations, and, by doing so, to invite different perspectives converging.
Speakers, Singaporean historian Thum Ping-Tjin, Malaysian scholars Ngoi Guat-Peng and Simon Soon to deliver keynote speeches. Artists Hsu Chia-Wei, Li Shih-Chieh (Ilya) from Taiwan and Au Sow-Yee from Malaysia will give presentations on their art projects, while Malaysian cultural researchers Lee Weng-Choy and Show Ying-Xin, Singaporean curator Lim Qin-Yi, and Taiwanese curator Amy Cheng will join as the discussants. Besides, this symposium will be accompanied by a screening of the film People Power Bombshell: A Diary of Vietnam Rose (2016) directed by the renown Philippine independent filmmaker John Torres.
This symposium is made possible with the generous support from the Ilham Gallery, Kuala Lumpur. Reality in its Double Bind: Emotional Signifiers in the Undercurrents of History is hosted in collaboration with the Rumah Attap Library & Collective and the Lostgens’ Contemporary Art Space.
*For detailed schedule, please see: https://ppt.cc/fCG2cx
or website of TheCube: https://thecubespace.com/en/project/reality-in-its-double-bind/
The symposium is made possible, in part, with the generous support from Ilham Gallery and collaborated with Lostgens’ contemporary art space and Rumah Attap Library & Collective.
● Support
ILHAM is a public art gallery committed to supporting the development, understanding and enjoyment of Malaysian modern and contemporary art within a regional and global context.
ILHAM aims to appeal to a diverse audience and serve as a resource for those who are engaged in the arts and those for whom art is a new experience.
Through our exhibitions and public programmes, we seek to bring people into closer contact with the art, the artists and their ideas.
– Address: Levels 3 & 5, ILHAM TOWER, No 8, Jalan Binjai, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
– FB: Ilham Gallery
● Partner
Lostgens’ contemporary art space
Lostgens’ Contemporary Art Space was established in 2004 by a group of artists. This self-managed experimental space aims to encourage originality, creativity, individuality, as well as to promote contemporary arts and community art project. It provides an alternative space for budding innovative exhibitions and performances. More than just a place that brings together artists, it also provides a platform for a dynamic growth of multi-layered artistic culture.
– Address: 8c, Jalan Panggung , 50000 Kuala Lumpur
– FB: Lostgens
Rumah Attap Library & Collective
Founded by Amateur, In Between Cultura and Au Sow Yee Studio in 2017, Rumah Attap Library & Collective is a space for reading, discussion, publication, workshops and forums. Researchers, artists and the public are also able to exchange books and thoughts related to cultural studies, arts, literature, philosophy and social sciences.
– Address: 84c, Jalan Rotan, Off Jalan Kampung Attap, Kuala Lumpur
– FB: Rumah Attap Library & Collective 亞答屋84號圖書館
Organizer | TheCube Project Space
Partner | Lostgens’ contemporary art space, Rumah Attap Library & Collective
Support | Ilham Gallery
Sponsor | National Culture and Arts Foundation, RC Culture and Arts Foundation
*TheCube space is sponsored by Ministry of Culture, Department of Culture Affairs, Taipei City Government, RC Culture and Arts Foundation and Dr. Chen Po-Wen.
論壇主題| 雙束現實:歷史潛流中的感覺能指
日期| 2017年12月8日(五)-12月10日(日)
地點| 吉隆坡 Ilham藝廊(Ilham Gallery)、Lostgens’當代藝術空間(Lostgens’ Contemporary Art Space)及亞答屋84號圖書館(Rumah Attap Library & Collective)
主辦| 立方計劃空間 TheCube Project Space
論壇策畫/召集人| 許芳慈
立方計劃空間榮幸將於馬來西亞吉隆坡籌辦「雙束現實:歷史潛流中的感覺能指」(Reality in its Double Bind: Emotional Signifiers in the Undercurrents of History)交流論壇。此為期三天的交流活動,由文化研究學者/策展人許芳慈擔任策畫,是2015年台灣國藝會資源挹助的〈現實秘境〉(Towards Mysterious Realities)策展計畫的第二階段,本計畫與吉隆坡當地「亞答屋84號圖書館」(Rumah Attap Library & Collective)、「Lostgens’藝術空間」(Lostgens’ Contemporary Art Space)共同合作,並由Ilham藝廊的慷慨支持而實現。
論壇邀請新加坡歷史學者覃炳鑫(Thum Ping-Tjin)、馬來西亞學者魏月萍、以及馬來西亞策展人孫先勇專場演說,另有台北《現實秘境》參展藝術家許家維、李士傑(台灣)和區秀詒(馬來西亞)的研究發表,並同時邀請馬來西亞文化研究學者李永財、蘇穎欣、新加坡策展人林沁宜及台灣策展人鄭慧華等擔任與談。此外,同時舉辦一場菲律賓導演約翰‧托雷斯(John Torres)的《人民力量重磅彈:越南玫瑰日記》(People Power Bombshell: A Diary of Vietnam Rose)影片放映會。
● 支持
FB: Ilham Gallery
● 合作
FB: Lostgens
FB: Rumah Attap Library & Collective 亞答屋84號圖書館
主辦|立方計劃空間TheCube Project Space
合作|Lostgens’當代藝術空間(Lostgens’ Contemporary Art Space)、亞答屋84號圖書館(Rumah Attap Library & Collective)
支持|Ilham藝廊(Ilham Gallery)