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Karin Weber Gallery – Yours Sincerely: Letter Writing And Art Creation.

July 15, 2017 @ 3:00 pm5:00 pm UTC+8

Karin Weber Gallery - Yours Sincerely: Letter Writing And Art Creation.

Because of limited seats, please rsvp via art@karinwebergallery.com in advance.

Letter writing is an ancient way of communication. Human beings write with affection, their past amidst the macrohistory and mails to somebody they trust. Is the desire to communicate met with set backs or not? There is something of each individual and the receiver in letter writing. The exhibition ‘Composing Stories With Fragments Of Time’ uses a letter written by an emigrant as a start. This talk engages both artists and writers by sharing stories on letter writing and art creation.

About the Moderator
Nixon is a young Hong Kong art critic. Writer of novel, prose and poem and believer in the power of words. His interviews have appeared in newspapers, magazines, radio and online media including Apple Daily, Ming Pao, MetroPop and Metro Broadcast. His goal is to extend the reach to audience in art.

About the Speakers
Kurt Chan received his Bachelor of Arts from the Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and his Master of Fine Arts from the Cranbrook Academy of Art, USA. He has participated in over 100 exhibitions, including the 2nd Asia Pacific Triennial in 1996-97 and 51st Venice Biennale in 2005. His works are in the collections of Hong Kong Museum of Art and Hong Kong Heritage Museum.

Luke Ching graduated in 1998 from The Chinese University of Hong Kong with a Master of Fine Arts. His works have been exhibited in Art Basel Hong Kong, Museum of Contemporary Art in Taipei, Deutsches Hygiene-Museum in Germany, and are in collection of M+ Museum in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art and the Blackburn Museum in UK. He is winner of 2016 HK Arts Development Award for Visual Arts.

Lau Chi Chung graduated in 1999 from The Surrey Institute of Art and Design in UK, with a Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design. His works have been exhibited in the Liverpool International Photography Festival, Argentina International Photography Festival and Singapore International Photography Festival. His photography series “Landscaped Artifacts” has won him the “New Photography Artist of the Year” at Lianzhou Foto Festival in China in 2013. ‬His works are in the collection of the Hong Kong Heritage Museum.

Tang Siu Wa is a poet, writer and cultural critic. Winner of numerous literature prizes, One of the founders of Fleur Des Lettres Magazine. Among her publications are a collection of prose in ‘Meanwhile’ and poems in ‘Bottle Unmoved’. Column writer of many major newspapers and magazines in Hong Kong, China and Taiwan. Participated in the International Writing Program of the University of Iowa, USA in 2014 and a poetry translation residency at the Vermont Studio Center in 2015. Currently chief curator of The House of Hong Kong Literature, board member of the Renaissance Foundation and host of a literature program in Radio Television Hong Kong channel 31.




尼克遜香港藝術教育界小嘍囉,學習鑽研各種觀眾拓展和藝術欣賞的方法。平日就老老實實當一個掛P牌的文字創作人,寫藝術推介文章,亦寫小說散文新詩,曾獲大學文學獎新詩組優異獎。和很多人一樣,感覺自己高不成低不就,於是一直探討浮游經驗。喜愛生活中遇見的文字,亦相信文字帶來的力量。過往四出「代客寫詩」,與客席地而坐,胡亂交換生活小故事,憶述童年美好時光。活動曾獲不同報章雜誌、電台、網絡媒體訪問及文章轉載,當中包括蘋果日報、明報、MetroPop、903國民教育、今日正、dbc、新城電台訪問及 U-Lifestyle 網上平台等。

陳育強 畢業於香港中文大學藝術系,後於克蘭布魯克藝術學院獲得藝術創作碩士。曾參與逾百個展覽,包括1996-97年第二屆亞太當代藝術三年展、2005年第51屆威尼斯雙年展等。作品亦被香港藝術館、香港文化博物館等收藏。

程展緯 1998年畢業於香港中文大學獲取藝術碩士。作品曾在香港巴塞爾藝博會、台北當代藝術館、德國德累斯頓衛生博物館等地展出,並被香港M+博物館、香港藝術館、英國布萊克本博物館等收藏。他獲得2016年香港藝術發展獎視覺藝術獎。

劉智聰 1999年畢業於英國薩里藝術設計學校專修室內設計學士。作品曾於利物浦國際攝影節、阿根廷國際攝影節、新加坡國際攝影節等展出,當中攝影作品《山水文明》系列獲得2013年連州國際攝影節”新攝影年度藝術家獎”。他的作品被香港文化博物館收藏。

鄧小樺 詩人,作家,文化評論人。曾獲文學獎數種,《字花》創刊編輯之一,著有詩集《不曾移動瓶子》、《眾音的反面》; 散文集《斑駁日常》、《若無其事》及訪問集《問道於民》等書,亦編有文學選集數種。於中港台各大報章雜誌上撰寫專欄、評論及訪問。作品受港台文化圈關注,亦不時獲台灣及中國媒體報道及邀稿。2014年曾獲邀到美國愛荷華大學國際作家工作坊交流,2015年曾獲邀到美國Vermont studio作詩歌翻譯交流。重視港台兩地的文學交流。策劃及籌辦香港文學季及多個交流講座活動及展覽,亦於各大專院校及全港多間中學,教授創意寫作課程及文學閱讀課程。曾為電台文化節目及青年節目主持,現為香港文學館總策展人及理事會召集人、文藝復興基金會理事,並於港台電視31台主持文學清談節目「文學放得開」。



July 15, 2017
3:00 pm5:00 pm UTC+8
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