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Arario Gallery Shanghai – Hayoun Kwon – Si proche et pourtant si loin
February 28, 2019 @ 8:00 amMay 5, 2019 @ 5:00 pm CST

ARARIO GALLERY SHANGHAI is pleased to announce the solo exhibition of female Korean artist, Hayoun KWON (b.1981) Si proche et pourtant si loin, on view from February 28, to May 5th, 2019. Hayoun KWON, currently lives in France, adopts the moving-image as her primary artistic medium, to produce works that explore the space of one’s memories. KWON is a recipient of the Prix Découverte des Amis du Palais de Tokyo in 2015; the 62nd International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, in 2016, and Prix Distinction in Ars Electronica in 2018.
This exhibition marks Hayoun KWON’s first presentation in China. The title of the exhibition, Si proche et pourtant si loin embodies the sentiment of an eternal separation in spite of something seems close but is in fact far away. Due to various factors such as political issues and foreign relations, certain areas of the world are access prohibited to most people. However, a way of arriving at these unattainable sites would be through the technology of virtual reality. Hayoun KWON borrows others’ memories and VR technology to emanate the viewer into a real imagined experience. With these moving-images rich in imagination, the artist has caught the attention of the global art world.
Hayoun KWON’s artworks embark on spatial explorations of people’s memories. These spaces often share one common characteristic—where the artist has not personally experienced and only exist in others’ memories. Prior to making these works, KWON spends a lot of time and energy in surveying her subjects, and conducting interviews with those who have been to these prohibited areas or collecting and analyzing the immense amount of materials they have left behind. Then, with which, she begins to make works of art. The participation of the others, the uniqueness of documentary film, 3D animation, and features of VR experience allow Hayoun KWON to articulate the real and the surreal aspects of her works.
This solo exhibition will present Hayoun KWON’s four video works and one VR work, the exhibition will open on February 28, 2019, at 5 pm, at Arario Gallery Shanghai.
阿拉里奥画廊上海荣幸宣布,将于2019年2月28日至2019年5月5日举办韩国女性艺术家权河允(b.1981, Hayoun KWON)个展《咫尺天涯Si proche et pourtant si loin》。权河允现居法国,以影像为主要形式进行创作,作品围绕记忆中的空间探索展开。艺术家曾获法国东京宫新锐艺术家奖(Prix Découverte des Amis du Palais de Tokyo,法国,2015),第62届德国奥博豪森国际短片电影节金奖(The 62nd International Short Film Festival Oberhausen,德国,2016)及奥地利电子艺术大奖优异奖(Prix Ars Electronica Distinction,奥地利,2018)。
本次展览是权河允在中国的首次个展,展览标题《咫尺天涯》,蕴含非常之近,但又仿佛远在天边,相见甚难之意。由于种种外因,诸如政治关系或外交问题等,致使某些区域我们无法涉足,但是有一个方法可以使我们抵达可望却不可及之地,即虚拟现实技术(Virtual Reality)。权河允借他人之记忆与VR之技术,将观者带入一场真实的假想体验。艺术家凭借这些充满无尽想象力的影像作品,日渐受到全球关注。
489年(489 years)(2015)是艺术家权河允逐渐为观众所知所悉的重要之作,489年,是将南、北韩战争(1950-1953)期间及战后埋设在DMZ(非军事区)无数地雷完全拆除所需的时长。DMZ是Demilitarized Zone的简称,指的是以韩半岛停战线为基准,以南以北各两公里分别展开的非武装地带。作品489年,借由曾经担任搜查队员的军人旁白所述及VR体验,向观众展现了在DMZ(非军事区),这一全世界最危险的区域之一里,由于人类埋设的地雷所致的死亡带来的恐惧,以及由于这片区域与世隔绝而幸免的自然美景,而同时经历这两种体验的军人,他对这片土地的记忆仅有’地雷与鲜花’。
耗时两年制作的作品模型村 (Model Village)(2014)以不同以往的独特视角向世人展现北韩宣传村机井洞。艺术家权河允未能从联合国司令部获得拍摄许可,只得凭借在国境线附近眺望对面北韩村庄的流亡者,或外国观光客们留下的庞大的资料,借他们所见重塑这一空间并就此进行实地拍摄。虽然只是建筑模型,但由于其透明材质的特性,光线透过留下阴影,被阴影吞噬的村庄虽然实际存在,但作为政治性产物,被塑造成如影视基地般的假想空间。作品板门店(Pam mun jom)(2013),板门店设立于三八线,影片着重记录在此执勤的南、北韩军人的固定步伐。艺术家使用红外线热成相机,重现军人们在板门店这一几何间内进行巡逻,但永远不触碰中心点的行为。权河允借用塞缪尔 贝克特(Samuel Beckett)的作品Quad中的编舞,试图强调即使擦肩而过,但碍于分界点始终无法相遇。
与前文提及的场地有所不同,以上皆是因南、北韩之间的特殊关系而无法接近的区域,作品证据不足(Lack of evidence)(2011)则是以艺术家在现居地法国所遇到的尼日利亚流亡者无法回到的故乡为主体展开。这名流亡者的滞留申请因证据不足遭到拒绝。权河允通过3D动画与渲染、直接绘制的逃亡路线等,将这名流亡者关于那一天的回忆、那一天记忆中的空间生动形象地再次重现。本次权河允的个展共计展出四件影像作品与一件VR作品,展览开幕将于2019年2月28日下午5点在阿拉里奥画廊上海举行。